[Netflix & Chill]

Now I know what you are thinking because that’s what everyone is thinking. Yes, this is kind of about Netflix. And more so about Chilling. But not the metaphorical meaning that both of those put together mean, AKA sex.

But I ACTUALLY wanted to talk about Rest because a) I think it is one of the things that we as a culture are most deprived of and b) I don’t think we know how to do it. A lot of people think it looks like 'I am going to take a day to just not do anything’, or when I get home from my miserable job I am just going to binge on Netflix. Both are logical ideas but I want to propose something new. 


Rest does not equal doing nothing. Rest equals being filled up. And I think sometimes it actually takes some effort to Rest.


Also, I think a lack of Rest leads to us being drained, and us reaching out in unhealthy ways for things, that become habits, that then become addictions that then become cyclical patterns in our life that trap us in seasons of discontent which then become our life, and that’s what we are stuck with.. At least that’s how we feel.

We aren’t taught how to rest in school. We are actually taught through our culture that busyness is admirable, so we stay busy and wear that badge of honor with pride. Meanwhile, we don’t have time for the things that really matter like meaningful connection with valuable friends, or calling an old friend from high school up, etc. You get the point. Busyness robs us of meaningful connection. And we keep ourselves preoccupied with busy because it makes us feel important. 

So what do we do? Or what SHOULD we do?


First, we need to find out what fills us up. What makes us come alive? What makes time fly by? Which friendships do we have that when we are around those people we leave feeling refreshed? There are givers and takers and there are certain friends that we have who truth be told are takers. We leave those coffee dates or hangouts feeling drained. But there are also friends who are like a refreshing drink to our souls. So choose to prioritize these friendships during times of Rest. Because your soul needs them.

Second, take a day to do it. There is this old principle that goes back thousands of years and it is called Sabbath. It started in the Jewish culture with the Ten Commandments. It is the Fourth one. God told his chosen people, the Jewish people, to take one day to rest. But He didn’t just tell them to rest, God actually rested himself. After 6 days of creating the world and everything in it, He took a day to rest. If God needs rest then we probably do too. The thing about taking a day is that it creates a boundary for us to protect. It’s a day for you, for your soul. But also, a day to thank God and seek Him. I can go deeper into this because I really believe in the power of having a Sabbath. And I really believe that it essentially is a demonstration of us trusting in God that with Jesus the work is finished, our sin is gone and we can connect with God and live in the fullness of life and purpose, but that is a different blog for another time. Now, back to Rest.

Thirdly, and lastly become ok with saying "No" to people. Especially when you have a day designated for Rest. Honestly, I struggle with this and am in the process of learning it. I don’t like to preach that which I struggle to practice but I believe in this and know that it is something that I need and most likely you do as well. If you can’t say "No" to people then you don’t truly have a Yes. Often times we can get so lost saying Yes to everyone else that we are saying No to ourselves. Now some of you might say "Joey are you saying be selfish and self-centered?”. I am not saying that at all. I am saying however, that if you are not filled up then you have nothing to pour out. You cannot give away that which you do not have. So first, figure out what YOU want to say Yes to, then accordingly say No to the things that don’t line up with that. Bam, easy, simple.

So, Rest. 1) Find out what fills you up 2) Take a day to do it 3) Say "No" to people.

That’s it. I guess I didn’t talk much about Netflix but I think I said what was on my mind and that’s what counts. Thanks for letting me share.


May your love be strong,
