Let's jump into the deep end of the pool.
If we're honest we all want to talk about the deep stuff. That which really matters. And we all want to talk about the stuff that's not really talked about too openly in a casual setting. So let's talk about God.
It's interesting how the way you view God often shapes the way you treat people. People who believe in a generous God tend to be extremely generous. People who believe in a very condemning, judgmental God seem to be that way towards others and people who don't believe in a god are usually their own form of god and the way they see themselves, the way they give themselves grace or a lack there of is how they treat other people.
It's an inside job. Everything starts inside and works it's way outwards.
I think God is full of love, creativity, kindness and generosity. If you think of God He is the very author of existence, the glue that holds everything together, He is the pulse of life. I think He longs to be in a relationship with every person. Not because He needs company but because He delights in us knowing our true identity, which is that we are His children, created in His image. And He is close, not as far as we think.
And I don't think God is about religious rules like making sure you go to church every Sunday, pray a certain amount of times a day or read however many pages of the specified holy book for the religion of choice. I think He's more concerned with your heart. Where your heart is at and how you see Him and love others. Some people stay away from God because of religion, because they think He is boring and is all about them following a set of rules and then if you don't do enough bad things then maybe He will choose you to dance with angels and ride clouds in heaven while listening to "Take on Me" by a-Ha.
But I think He's all about freedom and He wants you to live the freest life you could possibly live. Does that mean that you indulge in every desire you have because it feels right, not at all. That's not healthy or sustainable in any setting. But He wants you to have discernment with your desires and be free to live passionately and wholeheartedly.
Life is full of meaning and everyone has a purpose that is unique to them. If you're not living out your purpose there is a piece to the puzzle that is missing. And I truly believe you cannot know your purpose until you know the God who designed you and until you understand that He is utterly and completely overflowing with Love for you. When you know that in the core of your being you cannot fail at life. If we know that God's love is so great for us then how can we not pour out that love on everyone else around us.
Also, He cannot get over how incredibly proud He is of creating YOU. With all the things you try to change. He wants you to know that there is nothing about you that is a mistake. Not even the way you eat ice cream with the spoon upside down (Me).
A lot of people shut down when they hear the name Jesus because it makes them think of angry Christians who aren't living like the same person they are shouting at other people to believe in. But this is how I see Jesus. He is gentle, He is a great listener, and He is an amazing friend. Fully man, fully God, the perfect bridge between the brokenness of humanity and the holiness of heaven. And it's crazy to think of a God who becomes a man to experience pain, suffering, and to wash men's dirty feet, the ultimate sign of being a servant to someone else. What that signifies is complete loco craziness. It doesn't make sense. If God washed man's feet how much more should we serve others, how much more should we have conversations with homeless people and help dignify them through our actions. How much more should we Desire to serve when there's no gain involved because every moment we do so we are becoming more like God Himself.
God is big and we can't fit Him in our boxes. We should be fascinated and in awe of Him and we should be curious and desire to know Him. He is worth seeking. He is not boring. He is the author of your biggest dreams.
In the words of Marcus Mumford - Awake my soul, for you were made to meet your Maker
May you experience the strong love of God,