[What if...]

I was driving into work this morning and I saw the sunrise in the rearview mirror, it was hidden yet coming forth from the clouds, then as I was about to get on the interstate I saw a beautifully complete rainbow encircling all of downtown Nashville.


In that moment a thought crossed my mind and I think it was from the Holy Spirit “What if…”


The thought was a glimmer of hope in a dark and scary world that is in one of the lowest places it has been in for a long while. The thought was this:


“What if… although the first half of the year 2020 was the worst 6 months the globe has experienced since the ice age, now that it is July 1st and we are entering into the second half of the year, what if… everything turns around to make for the greatest 6 months we have seen as a globe EVER!!!”


And the thought continued…


What if… although the COVID-19 (corona virus) pandemic, has infected and killed thousands and millions of people everywhere, in the next 6 months the life-saving gospel of King Jesus goes viral and people go from spiritual death to spiritual life, with one billion souls coming to know Jesus as their savior and King (After all, corona in Spanish is translated to crown in English, and crowns are what Kings wear).


What if… although there has been so much pain and confusion with the killing of George Floyd unveiling the deeper racial divides in our nation and the world than we would like to acknowledge or think about, in the next 6 months people of all different races and backgrounds came together, were intentional about understanding and supporting each other, starting with Church leaders and pastors black, white, yellow, orange becoming friends and sharing meals together to understand and love each other, thus eclipsing in diverse communities that celebrate their differences and champion their each others cultures.


What if… although there were tornadoes that tore through Nashville destroying historic music venues like the Basement East, closing my favorite burger restaurant in Nashville (Burger Up east), tearing out trees on Holly Street among others in Lockeland Springs, etc., in the next 6 months angels flooded Nashville and songs from heaven were written by singer-songwriters all around town, young and old, neighborhoods stopped building fences between lots, started community gardens and Trees of Hope were planted where every tree was town down, showing that not only are we Nashville Strong but we are Nashville Steadfast and we’re not going anywhere!


What if… although there were uncontrollable fires in Australia that burned huge land masses across the entire country, in the next 6 months the presence of the Holy Spirit fell like fire and people encountered the living, tangible God who loves them and miracles, signs and wonders went rampant as the Holy Spirit leads those who are devoted to Jesus to be completely surrendered to His will and desires. Come Holy Spirit! Maranatha!


What if… although there were millions of locusts that devastated East African countries, eating their crops and thus ending their only means of providing for their family and community, in the next 6 months there was such a Great Harvest of plenty in Africa and around the world where fruits and vegetables grew to abnormal sizes like in the small town of Almolonga, Guatemala which is known for supernaturally Big vegetables (look it up, their carrots are HUGE!).


What if… although there is talk about a new swine flu that might be another upcoming pandemic, in the next 6 months old songs from God-fearing saints were re-sung and re-written like Josh Garrells’ remake of “Farther Along” originally written by Barney Elliott Warren in 1911, and as these songs were broadcasted over airwaves everyone who heard these heavenly melodies was healed from the flu, from anxiety, depression but even more so the crippling fear that the news/media is trying to hold us in and control us by (If you do not yet already, I suggest one day of the week fasting from news/social media, it will really help with lowering anxiety).


And finally, What if… although there has been such polarizing political division which has pulled apart families even worse than the Nashville tornadoes and has turned once thriving friendships into bitter begrudging, no longer talking acquaintances, in the next 6 months people loved each other. There was no longer only Red and Blue political people but there were PURPLE PEOPLE, who saw things from BOTH SIDES, through a lens of understanding and chose relationship over being right, chose compassion over prideful argument winning, and chose to listen before speaking because after all, the “best way to love someone is to listen to them” -Michael Card.


One of my favorite stories in the Bible is a story that goes from Famine to Feasting in One. Single. Day.  It is where Israel is devastated in a famine from having so little because they are being attacked by their enemies from all around (I am paraphrasing). But then the prophet Elisha says that in one day they will go from famine to FEASTING (I am also paraphrasing, but I encourage you to read it in 2 Kings 6:24-7:20). And within one days time they have so much food and money and the currency rate is better than it’s been before that they don’t know what to do with it all! God uses Elisha to release a prophetic word of Hope that changes everything. I think that can happen. But only God can make it happen.


When I saw that Rainbow this morning it made me think of the original Rainbow that God displayed to humankind as a covenant with all of humankind after Noah’s Ark, where God said that he would never again wipe out all of humanity because of our wickedness and rebellion to Him but that He would have Mercy on us even though we don’t deserve it. So that is my ask to God. God we don’t deserve Your grace but would You deliver us from this first half of 2020 being the worst year we’ve ever had to the second half being the best year we’ve ever had. And Heavenly Father, may we not take any credit for it but only point to it being Your gracious hand that delivers us as we humble ourselves, repent for our sins, turn towards You and acknowledge that You are our Lord and Provider (2 Chronicles 7:14).


What if… God answered this prayer.


And what if… the second half of 2020 started with you praying it to Him.


May your love be strong,
