[Learning 2 Stand]

While I was in California with three of my close friends playing house shows, starting a music festival and chasing our dreams, one of the most memorable things was the conversations we had during the down time.

In the car we would play a game in which we weren't allowed to use any filler words in conversation such as "um", "like", "so", "I feel like" or other things that dilute conversation. When we would use a filler the other guys would make eye contact with that person and deliver a point of disapproval with two fingers. It was a great game and I found myself speaking much slower and considering each of my words with tact. It helped with direct communication.

I found that these filler words are used in hopes to not offend people or to take a softer stance on things in order to come off as more temperate. Here's the deal though. You're gonna offend people. But all you can control is your own actions, you can't control how people respond to them. And it is a waste of energy to try to control that which you have no power over.

I've been so self-conscious about sharing my faith with people or even telling them about the joy and purpose it gives me. But it's part of who I am, and it's the reason why I act the way I do. And honestly, if it weren't for Jesus I would probably be a douche bag. I wouldn't love people very well and I sure wouldn't be fascinated with others. I would be very selfish and only do things that gave me pleasure or satisfaction. Heck no would I work for a company that serves the homeless. Heck no would I live in a halfway house as the house manager battling bed bugs for two months. Heck no would I spend a significant amount of time every week hanging out with kids who need to know that they are loved and significant and they have a bright future ahead. The best characteristics that people would attribute to me I can only attribute to Jesus transforming my heart.

But we live in a culture where you don't talk about your faith because it isn't cool. All of a sudden it's awkward. Honestly, it's the realest thing that I have.

We need to start to have real conversations where people are talking about what really matters to them. We hold so much back in fear that we will offend someone else. The thing is when people are offended that's a heart issue in them that they need to address because offense always points to an area of hurt in someone's heart that needs to be addressed in a healthy way.

You can only stand for something when you are willing to fall for that same thing. And it's funny how it's taken me 26 years and I'm just learning how to stand.

May your love be strong,
