Hobbits, Axe-Throwing & Mariachi Bands
This is a story about spontaneity and saying yes to adventure. It took place about a month ago, a few days into my Guatemala trip.
I woke up early to go running through the narrow cobblestone streets of Antigua. I felt good, it was a bright day and I was excited about exploring the city. I decided to run up to the lookout so I could get a glimpse of the entirety of what some people call the most beautiful city in Central America. I ran to the top, stood beside the towering cross that overlooks the city, laughed in conversation with a Chilean who had a sweet ponytail, then made my way back down. As I got down to the main road I decided to walk for a minute. A familiar looking guy with a rugged beard came up to me and asked if I was going to the battle of the bands. I looked at him with a confused look then asked him where it was happening. He told me it was going to be at the top of a mountain and it was for Mariachi bands. I hesitantly said yes, he told me to hop in the back of his pick-up truck next to a guy named Fernando, who was fully equipped in Mariachi garb with one hand on his guitar case, and we were off.
The most unpredictable adventures I have experienced always began with this moment of wanting to stay comfortable, wanting to stick with the usual routine but then saying "Yes" to mystery instead, yes to the unknown. I also think spontaneity is the birthplace of adventure. When we learn to let go of control or even our set schedule, just for a moment, we find ourselves on these incredible rides that take us where we've never been and completely illuminate life.
As we drove up the mountain we passed a bare-looking building with the windows missing and bullet holes and I was told that it used to be the main drug-dealing place in Antigua. We finally arrived at the top of the mountain and as I got out of the truck I could not believe what I was seeing. It looked like a little Hobbitan village. And it was!
As we hopped out of the pick up my new friend, Luke, who invited me along said "Welcome to Hobbitanango!". I was literally in heaven. A small Hobbitan village on top of a beautiful mountain in Guatemala and Mariachi music?! Game over. Take me now Lord.
Luke showed me around and we started talking. I learned that he was like an onion, with so many different layers of intrigue. He was a world traveler, played multiple instruments, had spearheaded this Mariachi band festival and had written 5 books. Luke had written 5 books! And he was maybe 30. And the timing of it was so funny because literally weeks before I thought to myself "I really want to write a book one day, that's a dream of mine". I love how God shows you what is possible in your life by bringing other people into your life who have what you've always dreamt of having. These people arrive not to tease you or show you how incapable you are but to show you that if they could do it, then so can you! Ironically, I think that's also why we so often get jealous of other people because we see them with what we want and instead of acknowledging and accepting the invitation to step into that as well we think our situation will never change. If we were to see that person as a testimony of what God wants us to also achieve then we would stop being so bitter and become better at celebrating people who have what we want, knowing that we can have that too if we dedicate ourselves to it and make sacrifices.
Luke encouraged me with writing, saying he could totally see me writing a book. I told him it seemed like kinda a heavy and unattainable dream. He responded with words from Ernest Hemingway about getting over that roadblock and actually writing a book saying "All you have to do is write one true sentence". I was inspired.
The afternoon carried on and this Mariachi battle of the bands fest was the real deal. It was called Mariachi o Muerte (Mariachi or Death). I found out later that it only happens once a year so I really lucked out. Incredible food and drinks, the hottest Mariachi bands from the neighboring villages, an axe-throwing competition (harder than you'd think), a random goat wandering around and all the while I felt like I was in the Shire! Fernando even let me borrow his guitar at one point and so I sang my heart out to "Bailando" by Enrique Iglesias (Yes I know all the words in Spanish and yes the Latina ladies were eyeing me). I met some new friends that evening and one was from the Bay Area! We connected while talking about the Warriors and then all of us piled into a pick up, drove down the mountain and went to a free salsa dancing lesson back in the city. It was an adventure of a day! One of those days that leaves you wondering was that real or just a dream.
Life is exciting. But it's on you to take that risk of jumping into the pool of adventure that is ready to be cannon-balled into. And there's something truly special about experiencing other cultures and seeing the beauty that they each bestow. I think that is why I enjoy traveling because even though each culture is so different, kindness, love, laughter and community are all factors that unite us.
May your love be strong,